Italian Beer

Italy is not well known for its production of beer chiefly because Italians tend to prefer drinking wine which they produce in abundance and very successfully. However Italy is home to the production of several light lagers as instantly quaffable as many of their white wines. Some of these such …

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Indian Beer

The marketing men at Bangla Beer certainly know how to push a few buttons. “It’s colour . . . reminiscent of the golden hue of the sun setting over the Bay of Bengal” runs one of the lines on its promotional website. The sales pitch goes on to extol the …

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What You Need To Know About Belgian Beer

Belgian beer contains the most varied selection of beers in the world. Belgian beer is unlike beer from the Czech Republic or Germany, in that it does not follow any purity laws or strict methods of brewing. This means an extremely varied selection of beers is on offer, many of …

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Beer from the Czech Republic

Beers from the Czech Republic are some of the best beers in the world, and are produced with real love and care. Any country that can pass a law regarding the purity of its brewing must really love their beers. In fact, the Czechs consume more beer per person than …

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Although France is better known for its wine and food products, it also has some really good beer. Although the beer industry went through a massive decline during the first part of the 20th Century, over the last thirty years or so it has come to life again, and many …

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German Beer

From Oktoberfest to the Reinheitsgebot, Germans are extremely serious and passionate about their beer. This dedication to the art of beer production has made Germany into one of the foremost beer countries of the world, accounting for around 10% of the world market volume. There are around 1200 breweries in …

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Southern Europe

Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece are best known for the amazing wines and spirits they produce. However, they also produce some good beers that are extremely drinkable, especially for the climate. Although not the greatest beer drinking countries in the world, they definitely have more to offer than most people …

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Eastern Europe

Eastern European beer has an excellent tradition, but it is overshadowed by the pedigree of Czech Beer and the quality of Eastern European spirits and liquor. However, the beers throughout the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are all of a good standard. They generally combine elements of Czech, German …

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African Beers

Although not regarded as one of the finest beer producers in the world, there are still many types of African beer on offer. Although not widely available in Europe, many of these beers are actually quite good. Indigenous local tribes originally produced beers in Africa, but there are now many …

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The Best Beers In The Americas

Despite the rampant commercialisation of beer in the USA, the Americas as a whole have some amazing beers on offer. Although the Anheuser Busch and Budweiser might dominate the world market, there is far more to American beer. Although without a distinguished history of brewing compared to Europe, North and …

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