The Beer Expert’s Top Five Beers To Savour

There are beers and there are beers. There are beers for watching the football or rugby to, and if it’s a really good match, it may well not matter what beer you are drinking – a cheap and cheerful bitter or lager will do. There are beers for the quiet …

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How the Economy effects Beer Consumption

Pictures of disconsolate financial-sector workers stirring gloomily into their beer as the credit crunch swelled the ranks of the unemployed were spread recently over the pages of the UK’s national press. Unfortunately for the brewing industry, this is not a sign that even in times of global economic downturn, the …

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History of the Pub

The arrival of the Romans and the establishment of a sound road network in the U.K. contributed to an increase in travel, and a demand for the establishment of simple ale houses where a traveller could stop and find shelter whilst quenching their thirst. The pub as we know it …

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Famous Pubs

There are pubs that stand out for all the right reasons, and there are pubs that stand out for all the wrong reasons, and in either case it’s sometimes nice just to sit and while away a few pints of beer knowing that you’re surrounded by a rich history (for …

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Good Pub Essentials

The British and Irish Pub have been exported around the world to great acclaim. There is barely a significant city in the world without a replica traditional Pub (and to be sure those without one are, generally speaking, housed in countries where alcohol is banned). It is hardly surprising that …

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Pub Games and Their History

When enjoying a pint it is tradition to while away the time with a pub game. This has the advantage of making both the conversation and the beer last longer, whilst providing entertainment, and a great way of meeting new people! There are obvious favourites such as pool and billiards, …

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Licensing Laws

Whether you are going out to enjoy just a pint or two of quality ale, or you are partying hard into the night, licensing laws will affect the way you enjoy your night. It is often noted by Europeans who visit or stay in our country, just how different our …

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Microbreweries: Saviour of British Pub Culture?

With a remarkable rise defying the decline of the brewing industry, are microbreweries the saviour of British pub culture? Bucking the Downward Trend Declining beer sales and week-on-week closure of UK pubs has led many to predict the imminent demise of one of Britain’s beloved historical and social institutions, its …

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The Decline of British Pubs

The pub is a British institution under threat. With a handful of pubs closing every single day, will it not be long before we hear last orders called on one of our great historical and social traditions? A British Way of Life Under Threat Loved and envied the world over, …

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Support Your Local Pub

With a recent report highlighting that several pubs across the UK are closing every day, what can we do to save our beloved local from extinction? Sacred British Institution The public house, Great Britain’s historic and social institution, is under threat. At its traditional best the pub combines classless social …

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Beer Expert